Cleaning produce? Heck! I used to eat the grapes in the grocery store out of the bag, (took a couple of oz off the price too, shh!) until I read about the ‘Dirty Dozen’…

Like me, most of you reading this probably didn’t clean your fruit or you just rinsed it off under the sink for a couple of seconds, if anything. Yanno, just to get the dirt off and stuff. But let’s talk about the other stuff that’s on our fruits and vegetables that we NEED to clean off before ingesting.
What are the Dirty Dozen?
The DD, as I like to call them, are the 12 most heavily sprayed fruit and vegetables in the U.S. They are:
Kale, collard, and mustard greens
Bell and hot peppers
These foods are considered to be the most contaminated by pesticides and the like because of the nature of their absorbable, thin skin or lack thereof. Fruits like bananas have a thick protective covering, where the fruit is not directly sprayed. Other fruits like strawberries have no protective layer, so, they are directly exposed to the spraying of these chemicals.
To see the full, click here
What exactly are these foods sprayed with?
Pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides, fungicides, and preservatives- just to name a few :')
Pesticides are used to kill fungus, bacteria, insects, plant diseases, snails, slugs, or weeds among others. The chemicals can kill by just touching a sprayed area
Insecticides are designed to kill insects only, including bees :(
Herbicides are used to kill “weeds” but can kill any living plant
Fungicides are designed to kill fungi
Rodenticides are designed to kill rodents, also known as 'rat poison' o_O
The chemicals not only affect the plants and insects directly, but they get into our drinking water and pollute the air.

All of these chemicals get absorbed into the food that we eat. Different studies show that they may cause:
Gut microbiome dysfunction
Note that pesticides kill all bacteria, even the ones in our stomach
Parkinson’s, cancer, and miscarriages
Birth defects in young humans and animals alike
Alachlor can cause eye, kidney, liver, and spleen problems
Atrazine can cause cardiovascular and reproductive problems
Endothall can cause stomach and intestinal problems
Effects from these chemicals may not show symptoms until years after your initial exposure.
How to avoid pesticide consumption
Shop seasonal produce
Buy organic when you can, especially the Dirty Dozen, and for fruits with no protective skin layer
Buy from local farms
Soak produce in white vinegar and water before consumption, see below!
Grow your own produce!!
How I clean my produce!
I got this process from Pinterest years ago when I was doing some research after wondering why the the frosty, wax-like coating on my grapes made them taste weird...
Buy local, organic fruit- of your choice
ADLI for the win for cheap, organic produce!
Empty in bowl
Pour 1 part white vinegar, 1 part water
Let soak for 15 minutes
This is what's at the bottom of the bowl!

Environmental Working Group. (n.d.). Dirty Dozen™ fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides. EWG’s 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce | Dirty Dozen. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from
Pesticides: The big picture. Pesticide Action Network. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2022, from